Venue: St Foteini, Ilissos
The event VOREAS AND ORITHYIA is part of "Athens 2018 World Book Capital" City of Athens, of which major donor is Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
In collaboration with:
Astronomy & Space Company - Annex Salamis
The Salamina Branch of the Astronomy & Space Society was established several years ago. Its goal is the promotion of the science of astronomy by making it more approachable to the public through Observatory, Educational and Social Activities.
Throughout its years of operation the Branch has established (for the first time in Salamina) annual activities such as: Astro-nights (Star-nights / Astronomy nights), Celebrations of the August Full Moon in areas of Archaeological Interest and Popular Astronomy Courses in collaboration with the Municipality of Salamis.
It promotes the Annual Astronomy & Space Society Contest to the various schools in Salamina.
In 2012 its members promoted the N.A.S.A Contest regarding the Cassini Space Facility and Elena Lampiri, a student from one of Salamina's elementary schools, won the first Pan-Hellenic Prize at the Elementary School level, which resulted in Salamina's name being mentioned on N.A.S.A.'s website.
As far as social activities are concerned our Branch organizes concerts, theatrical performances, New Year celebrations accompanied by a speech made by a prominent scientist, and many other activities.
Our branch collaborates with institutions outside Salamina - such as the Hellenic World Foundation, schools in Attica - and is a permanent associate of the Athens Science Festival which takes place in the Technopolis of Athens.
Also in 2013 our branch participated in the 21st International Conference XXI SEAC (Société Européenne pour I ‘Astronomie dans la Culture).
Finally, it organizes night-sky observations in dark areas of Salamina, accompanied by Astronomical Mythology narrations and the teaching of practical Uranography and Astrophysiography methods.
The date of the event will be announced.
Athens 2018 World Book Capital - City of Athens is made possible thanks to its donors and contributors. Major Donor is Stavros Niarchos Foundation. Gold Donors are John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation and Core SA. Donors are Onassis Foundation, Welfare Foundation for Social & Cultural Affairs, Laskaridis Foundation and Greek Collecting Society for Literary Works (OSDEL). Valuable contributors are Aegean Airlines, Athens International Airport, and Urban Rail Transport SA (STASY).